🔵 my thing
I am an applied mathematician interested in numerical modelling, non-linear inverse problems & optimization methods. My main focus is developing new high-resolution exploration-geophysics methods.
I am currently a computational geophysicist at Seequent. Before that I was a post-doc fellow at Aarhus University in the Hydro-Geophysics Group working on remmediation monitoring, and before that I was a post-doc fellow at Colorado School of Mines in the Geophysics Department working on joint-multiphysics, high-resolution inversions.
I have a Bachelors & Masters in Mathematics, and a PhD in Geophysics. Read more about it in my curriculum vitae.
Broadly, I like making things more efficient and less costly by exploting combinatorial structures and/or discretized continuous spaces.
🔰 For my electromagnetic subsurface exploration code, please visit gerjoii.
🍀 For a wide variety of projects, please visit alles.
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📚 publications
An efficient cross-borehole direct current resistivity monitoring instrument, Lichao Liu, Diego Domenzain Gonzalez, Ivan Vela, Pradip Kumar Maurya, Anders K. Kühl, Thue Bording, Palle Ejlskov, Esben Auken, Jakob Juul Larsen, and Anders Vest Christiansen. Geophysics. 2024. (too many authors on this one)
3D DC inversion, visualization, and processing of dense time-lapse data in fine domains applied to remediation monitoring, Diego Domenzain, Lichao Liu, Ivan Y. Vela, and Anders V. Christiansen. Geophysics, 88. 2023.
Remediation monitoring guided by 3D time-lapse inversion of dense DC borehole data, Diego Domenzain, Lichao Liu, Anders K. Kühl, Ivan Y. Vela, and Anders V. Christiansen. NSG2022 4th Conference on Geophysics for Mineral Exploration and Mining 2022.
A 4D cross-borehole direct current resistivity system for monitoring in-situ groundwater remediation, L Liu, E Auken, D Domenzain, PK Maurya, TS Bording, B Bjerre, I Vela, AV Christiansen, NSG2022 4th Conference on Geophysics for Mineral Exploration and Mining 2022.
3D inversion and visualization of DC data acquired at dense borehole location, Diego Domenzain, Lichao Liu, Anders K. Kühl, Ivan Y. Vela, and Anders V. Christiansen. Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy 2022.
Joint full-waveform ground-penetrating radar and electrical resistivity inversion applied to field data acquired on the surface, Diego Domenzain, John Bradford, and Jodi Mead. Geophysics, 87. 2022.
Multiphysics joint inversion of field FWI-GPR and ER surface acquired data, Diego Domenzain, John Bradford, and Jodi Mead. First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy 2021.
Efficient inversion of 2.5D electrical resistivity data using the discrete adjoint method, Diego Domenzain, John Bradford, and Jodi Mead. Geophysics, 86. 2021.
Joint inversion of full-waveform GPR and ER data. Part 2: enhancing low frequencies with the envelope transform and cross-gradients, Diego Domenzain, John Bradford, and Jodi Mead. Geophysics, 85(6). 2020.
Joint inversion of full-waveform GPR and ER data. Part 1, Diego Domenzain, John Bradford, and Jodi Mead. Geophysics, 85(6). 2020.
Inversion of 2.5D electrical resistivity data using the discrete adjoint method, Diego Domenzain, John Bradford, and Jodi Mead. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020.
Joint inversion of full-waveform GPR and ER data enhanced by the envelope transform and cross-gradients, Diego Domenzain, John Bradford, and Jodi Mead. 18th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Golden, Colorado 2020.
Joint inversion of GPR and ER data, Diego Domenzain, John Bradford, and Jodi Mead. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018.
📡 imaging the subsurface
My PhD was about ground penetrating radar and DC electrical resistivity high resolution joint inversion - code, webpage
High-resolution non-invasive electrical methods for imaging the shallow subsurface are beneficial for Humanity. They shed light on subsurface energy resources (i.e. oil, gas, geothermal), monitor CO₂ sequestration sites and understand ground-water flow.
📺 media coverage
Here is a radio interview about finding graves at the Old Idaho Penitentiary, which is also covered here and here.
Here I talk about how you don’t need to know about rocks to do geophysics.